Dublin Capital Markets Market Dynamics, Q4 2024
Summary and analysis of Dublin's current capital markets conditions.
- Niall Gargan
In Q4 2024, there was €1.3bn in investment across 35 deals. In terms of volumes, this was an upward trend of 88.2% from the previous quarter and 156.7% from the same period in 2023, and it was the first quarter to surpass €1bn since Q4 2022.
Q4 2024 had the largest single asset sale since 2016, with Blanchardstown Shopping Centre signing at €562m. This renewed focus on retail assets, particularly shopping centres, is primarily attributed to their strong cash-on-cash returns relative to traditional commercial real estate sectors such as offices and logistics.
Outside the core sectors which are included in the investment volumes, the hotel sector has experienced robust activity, with volumes of €1bn, and a further €750m is anticipated in 2025.